«Imagine how embarassing it would be for your family if you got killed by this skinny soy boy in tan pants»
Assassin who Murdered his Family Goes to Podcaster Nick Fuentes's House to Murder Him
Duration: 0:30 Views: 52K Submitted: 3 months ago Submitted by:
"Officials believe the suspect, who hasn't been named, killed three people earlier that day in Mahomet, which is about 140 miles south of Berwyn.
The suspect allegedly killed family members Sara Mason, 26, Janis Mason, 61, and Caleb Mason, 23, in the triple murder earlier that day."
The suspect allegedly killed family members Sara Mason, 26, Janis Mason, 61, and Caleb Mason, 23, in the triple murder earlier that day."
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness
luol-dengue 3 months ago
«Nick Fuentes said a little too much negative stuff about Israel it seems, they found a good little golem high on captagon»