«Knock him a few times for the rest of the world »
Black Migrant Thugs Pick the Wrong White Dude to Target.
This is how wild migrants have to be dealt with since European Governments and police refuse to deal with the problems.
«not a migrant but ok, don't have make it all about race loser op»
«Karelin really should notice that most blacks in Europe are not migrants. If they sound Jamaican its actually a fake street accent they put on as they try to try to copy Yardi culture, at least in the UK and probably Ireland. Also most Irish are not travelers. The urban youth in this video are more likely to be Skangers or Chav's as we call them in England. Pikey's actually tend to avoid town centres. They are mostly rural and when they do visit a town they stay on the outskirts.»
«That should be standard treatment for every migrant that is not a beautiful willing hot&horny young female that studied, has money to spend and suck dicks when requested.»
«Not the same Black dude... Actor, from Sandy Hook, in same clothing»
«they will destroy any society they're part of, they are fed up with each other that's why you see them obsessed with interracial dating. they are corrupting the minds of young women.»
«The black brother has been humiliated and will have to take revenge. I'm afraid it will end very badly for the little white guy if he's not careful.»
«They should've done some free dental work on him with that hammer»
«As always, the only thing he’s sorry about is the predicament he found himself in. No remorse for his actions. Scum figure out rather quickly that most people will be disarmed by saying a few magic words. And of course, when the tables are turned, they don’t like being on the other end.
Short of lamp posts and rope for the crown, only genocide will restore order.»
«The title is bullshit. Based on the accents, this is in the UK and not Ireland, and they're not African migrants, the black guys have a South London accent, so they are Black British and not migrants. You can draw what you want but this isn't some fresh of the boats vs the white natives maylay.»
«Load of bollocks, it looks staged. Man was using that hammer like a feather duster!»
«The last sentence of your description is absolutely correct. (From Germany)»
«Don't let them off with a sorry, break both their legs and throw them in the sea»