'); document.write(''); } else if ('dark' == 'mixed') { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); } document.write('');
«gutter oil»
«@TidalWave Moron. Look up the definition.»
«Good luck removing that black mucus from your face lol its gonna take at least 3 weeks for it to fade off no matter what you scrub it with.»
«Don't you realise that this is just ink from the squid she was having to eat?»
«@stinkhorn obviously dipshit»
«@raymundosullivano@gmail.com Nobody else bothered to mentionit.»
«Fuck animal abusers! Dumb, worthless pieces of shit. »
«@FuckAnimalAbusers i love love love sushi!!!!!!!!»
«@FuckAnimalAbusers Aren't you considered an animal abuser by raping them? That's what I heard.»
«I'd still eat her though.»
«Nobody wants to look like a black person voluntarily, right?»
«no funny chinese humor»
«Dat was funny as fuck.»
«Some uppity libtard offended response in 3.....2.....»