«Guys never let yourself in this situation. Luckily the cameras have it, but she could say she was raped and such.
Your word against hers. Courts will side with her.»
CCTV catches Happy Boss and a Ambitious Female Employee
Duration: 0:40 Views: 144K Submitted: 1 month ago Submitted by:
Boss asks his secretary if she can work a couple of extra hours... You have to see what the security cameras recorded.
I made a comment but I'll post it here too.
Everyone calls fake like this stuff does not happen in real life? Come on now it happens daily by the minute.
Shady people out there we all know this. If it is fake it's real happening somewhere right now»
I made a comment but I'll post it here too.
Everyone calls fake like this stuff does not happen in real life? Come on now it happens daily by the minute.
Shady people out there we all know this. If it is fake it's real happening somewhere right now»
Categories: Babes (PG) Extreme
The_Carcass_Kid 3 weeks ago
Motherfocker78 1 month ago
«That dude is a fat bastard... She's only doing that for a raise»