«Why don't they ever show women when they're acted by animals? Is it because that's counter to the gay/feminist movement of wall street?»
Horrifying Moment LAPD Volunteer Officer Attacked by Swarm of Killer Bee's
Duration: 0:53 Views: 31K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
Damn, that poor dude
Categories: Nature & Animals Bad Day
WilyBonsai 1 year ago
«Damn you bees. I'd love to have brought a few cans of Raid to the situation. Maybe some lighters to improvise a flamethrower.»
bam27101976 1 year ago
«All he had to do was to get inside the car and fight with few of the bees still clinging onto him. I was attacked once, I jumped inside the nearby dirty pond as I had no choice.»