«Why was she naked ? They probably gang aped her, then threw her to crocodiles»
Crocodile takes Female into the Abyss Forever. Maluku, Indonesia - March 12th, 2025
«If I lived there you wouldn't find a croc for miles around. We would all being wear crocodile shoes.»
«Auddiy Gaudii oddi badi passpadi catsi dauddi twats don't have the sense other than to point and piss themselves.»
«I swam in the gorge in Katherine Australia and they had fresh water crocs all around but they're friendly. However, they had warning signs for the salt water crocs. I could never swim without being fucking terrified.»
«The creature to them is as fabled and myterious as the water. 2025 and 2025yrs in the past.»
«When the fuck are these islanders that live in these 4th world cesspools gonna learn to NOT GO FUCKING SWIMMING IN MURKY RIVERS OR PONDS!!!!! Are these people just plain stupid, or have then been in the sun too long?»