«to watching below dont forget all the taxi drivers, pot wash ,just eat drivers etc, and car wash workers and all the other non tax payers and NHS users»
Desert Olympics in Shiite Islam in Iran and Iraq.
«Hey! Let's bring millions of these people that no other Arab country wants into OUR countries! Think of all of the doctors and lawyers we'll have! It will be great!»
«All Muslims need to be eradicated. Do your part internet and find then»
«What species is this exactly. They almost mimic homo sapiens»
«I'm a Muslim, those in video are not, those in video are supported by America and Iran (»
«Why do so many Muslims marry their own cousins?
To ensure the next generation will be stupid enough to believe Islam!»
«Anything is better than groomers reading books to kids in lingerie.»
«Nice. Now show some western hazing rituals, maybe some guys getting their asses paddled by other guys. You know, normal stuff.»