«Sometimes you just gotta slap a ho!»
Did this Girl Deserve this?
«What a fucking whore. This bitch will never touch him again. Stupid hoe.»
«"Finally, Jonqueesha realized that it wasn't like the movies and that the dudes hands were rated E for Everyone."
It's nice that the white knight simps didn't actually do anything, the fags...»
«She is lucky he hit her with left after
Otherwise she might have fallen on the rock and even die»
«Well Yeah kinda sorta yes. If she went with white cock instead it would save her alot of trouble»
«Yes, she approached him like he had no chance, pushing his head with her finger, no room to breath, personally, I've never had this happen, it would be strange, a petite girl thinking she can bully me, she has problems, that guy doesn't look wimpy, & he's not a pretty boy, she is at fault»
«He should have explained the chain to her then two thing would happen:
1) She apologises, because she looked stupid and the tension de escalates.
2) She would have said something even more stupid and get lit up even harder.
NO, because now he's divided the crowd around him, some will say she didn't know others will say she should have backed down.»
«She robbed and we assaulting him he had to defend him self females like her ruin good young men she forced that»