«mom loved me more?»
Man Drove 700 Miles to Murder his Brother at his Doorstep. But it gets Crazier
He shot his own brother to death and injured his sister-in-law.
But that was not enough.
A neighbor called 911 to report gunshots.
3 police officers showed up at the scene.
Jeffrey stepped out and opened fire. He was killed.
He was found to be in possession of:
- a 12-gauge shotgun
- 150 shells in a bag tied to his waist
- a 9mm pistol
- 23 loaded magazines
«I saw this in a documentary. He was angry that his brother had a LOT of money but dumped his mum in some cheap care home upstate, he himself being so poor he couldn't house her himself.»
«Dude shooting was prob a drunk loser jealous his bro did good in life.»
«I think this would make a great commercial for Ring.com. I'm thinking maybe re-air it on mothers day?»
«Sad,....There was a time I would have been shocked/thinking "WTF is wrong with him"? But after my father died and I dealt with something just as emotional with my brother, I understand. I'm not saying what he did is right,.....but when emotions and history get involved, shit happens. I'm sure there was a lot of build up to this moment. A lot of failed conversations/arguments. People obviously getting emotional. I'm guessing the mother isn't in good mental health or to timid to make clear cut decisions about who gets what and why. I could go on and on,.....I just know there was probably years of build up to this moment. This is why you have a will,....this is why you do it WHY'LL»