«these dudes never watch animes
or even play a gaming console!
they will die early ages with out seing goku surpassing ultra instinct»
Islamic Extremist Abdulaziz (17) Kills his Own Cousin (21) with AK Shot to the Head
Trust me they don't see anything wrong in that video you saw
«Killing in the name of any religion is the most pathetic thing ever! Let alone your own cousin.. That POS needs a taste of his own medicine asap!»
«How do we know he didn't rape a kid? Fuck all gods (especially those losers) but this could have been justified for all we know»
«It's cousin, against cousin......... and one had to die! ......to die. ..... to die.»
«Humanity should realise that violent Islamophobia is 100% justified.»
«If your religion requires you to kill people that don’t believe in it then it’s probably not a good religion.»
«Pretty sure they think that they consider dying for a righteous cause martyrdom, this is the more satanic sect of islam called wahabism which is more a kin to talmudic judism where they both can kill whomever is a infidel/gentile, this guy though was kidnapped and executed so that shithead could proved his alligience to (mossads/cia's) isis warlord.»
«Congratulations stupid. You just ended a life that even your stupid fucking god can't restore.»
«Why don’t they sacrifices themselves instead sacrificing other fucking peaceful community»
«Islam is such a loving, peaceful and caring religion. The Bible's ...Love thy neighbor... is anti-Islamic, raciest, homophobic, and pro-peace, who needs all of that?»
«No matter who of them: the less the better !
Delete islam. This planet deserves better.......»