«NYC, touted by the americans themselves as “the best city in the world”. Ridiculous. A huge garbage dump, that's all it is.»
FULL: The Police did absolutely Nothing to help the Woman who was on Fire.
«Thank you for posting this video. I had no idea this was caught on video.
Just sickening.»
«We would’ve NEVER let her burn up like that down here in the south! Up north, y’all MFs are ruthless! Which is why I would NEVER live up north! Keep me ANYWHERE below the Carolinas please and thank you ✈️»
«Emphasis has been placed on the illegal that committed this horrific crime, but watching fellow Americans sit on their asses while this woman burned to death while recording it is reprehensible. They are equal to, if not worse than the bastard that committed the crime. I hope karma strikes these mfr's down with a vengeance!»
«All those people watching need to be a sit on fire pull her out roll her around cuz that fire I can't believe they're sinner watching filming it what's wrong with these people I would throw them all in a subway let the trailer when I'm all over people lost her damn minds had too many damn covid shots»
«I'll reserve judgment until I know for certain what color the victim was»
«Damn, thst son of a bitch that did this to her deserves to be dead. Poor woman
I don't know if she survived or not, but she better off be dead than having to look herself into the mirror. Man this video made me so angry.»
«Useless POS cops, subhuman illegal alien, retarded 'citizens' with their phones looking to become "viral." Sounds like a big democrat city all right. Mine unfortunately.»
«Is that a white man fanning the flames of that black women as she burns to death? »
«Sebastian Zapeta, 33, an illegal immigrant, was charged with first and second degree murder. Fucking Democrats!»
«No one looks for a fire extinguisher and one fucking idiot is fanning the flames, lol, sad.»
«feel like somebody could have been putting that lady out or something way sooner»
«Nobody is going to do anything because they saw how they tried to fuck the last guy that tried to help.»
«Too bad trump wasn't there to help that guy fan the flames. True American zeros.»
«If that was a black person burning, the riots and looting will begin within 48 hours.»
«This is AGI faked shit. Who the fuck stands there and doesn't take the burning clothes off? Who stands there watching a not hard to put out fire? You're all being played by AI now. Like the Luigi guy that allegedly shot the CEO. He's not real. Everything you see through an electronic screen can be manipulated or faked entirely now. Epstene didn't kill himself.»
«The problem with the world is not the 99.999999% evil.
The problem with the world is the 0.00000001% good.
If not for that 1 grain of good in the world - who would give a fuck about all the incessant evil?
Critics, say "Go to hell" I say "Yeah,
stupid motherf*cker I'm already there!"
People on fire - 100% of people standing around doing nothing, filming, mast**bating - welcome to Planet Earth.
If there is a God, whoever he is he is clearly a complete c*nt.»
«What a fucking dumbass fanning the flames. Good fucking education system you have.!»
«Thanks Joe Biden for your lame ass immigration policies. Making all our Christmas's bright. Go back to Delaware and die there.»
«Every single chicken shit cunt in that video should be tortured to death.»
«New York has officially reached 3rd world status.
I use to shit on china and other 3rd world shit holes for just staring and doing nothing,.....now America has joined to club.
You're telling me there wasn't one fucking fire extinguisher around or no one had a big thing of water to try and help.»
«At least one guy helped by fanning the flames to keep the fire going. He’s the true hero in all of this.»
«Illegals continue to bring their 3rd World lifestyles to the US. Thanks Joe.»
«No really. She's fine - no one try and help her. Ffs. the FUCK is wrong with people?!»
«So leggy so hot, quite literally scorching hot. Can someone not bumfinger her»
«Only people of colour are to be protected in New York. Much like London's underground, whites have no rights...»
«Cops are not obligated to help or assist you in time of need..
ALWAYS remember that.»
«Nice of that guy to start fanning the flames. Duh.»