«May God take all of you satanic human waste.»
Hamas Terrorist Films his Own Death during the First Attack on Israel
«That is so sweet. He was able to speak , so no headshot. One through the spine and one trough the heart. It’s just like music… those sweet little grunts there at the end.»
«Very poetic with looking up at the sky, I hope he’s burning in hell»
«Hamas has joined forces with the alphabet gang their new flag We all know what goes here https://imageupload .io/en/SPjcrb9ly8lbiCn»
«Será q por alguns segundos ele finalmente se deu conta de que era apenas um inútil fantoche por trás de todas essas ideologias extremistas?
Gritou que nem um porco miserável preste a ser abatido! »
«These rats don't deserve such a quick death! Nevertheless, I watched the beautiful ending 20 times »
«I love the guttural sounds this filthy pig makes on his way to meeting his 72 recycled virgins. Fucking terrorist scum!»
«I think he would have squealed like a pig a bit longer but the next two rounds finished him off. Hilarious, I want that as my ring tone.»
«Justice is served within minutes of killing dog, raiding refrigerator, and who knows what else nefarious deeds. Burn in hell shitbags»