Lunatic Attacks People With A Knife At A Playground!

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 1:31 Views: 69K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
As bystanders screamed for help, a man with a knife stabbed four young children at a lakeside park in the French Alps on Thursday, assaulting at least one in a stroller repeatedly. Authorities said the children, between 22 months and 3 years old, suffered life-threatening injuries, and two adults were also wounded.

The helplessness of the young victims and the savagery of the attack sickened France, and drew international condemnation.

A suspect, identified by police as a 31-year-old Syrian, was detained in connection with the morning attack in the town of Annecy. French authorities said he had recently been refused asylum in France, because Sweden had already granted him permanent residency and refugee status a decade ago.

Witnesses reported scenes of terror as the man roamed the park, ambushing victims with his blade.

�I said to the police, �Shoot him, kill him! He�s stabbing everyone,�� Anthony Le Tallec, a former professional soccer player who was jogging when he came across the attacker, said.

Lead prosecutor Line Bonnet-Mathis said the man�s motives were unknown but did not appear to be terrorism-related. He was armed with a folding knife, she said.

She said all four children suffered life-threatening knife wounds. The youngest is 22 months old, two are age 2 and the oldest is 3, she said. Two of them are French, the other two were tourists � one British, the other Dutch, she said.

PARIS, FRANCE: Two adults also suffered knife wounds � life-threatening for one them, the prosecutor said. One of the adults was hurt both with the attacker�s knife and later by a shot fired by police as they were making the arrest, Bonnet-Mathis said.

Video appearing to show the attack in and around a children�s play park was posted on social media. The footage showed a man in dark glasses and with a blue scarf covering his head brandishing a knife, as people screamed for help.
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
3 +1 Madafokka 1 year ago

«Stroller is now culturally enriched!»

0 +1 Dalybier 1 year ago

«Haha its fault of france . If those homos had guns he would be lying in pool of blood»

-15 +1 wakawaka16 1 year ago

«Also fucking christian pork cunts, You are all fags and god hates faggots.»

-8 +1 wakawaka16 1 year ago

«Well done, Fucking Frog rats, i fucking hate them.»

27 +1 Rickey 1 year ago

«It’s not his fault. It’s the fault of the voters who keep voting for soft politicians and soft policies.»

-40 +1 DeoxyRiboNucleicAcid 1 year ago

«Christians are the worst!! Fuck christians!! Bitch ass motherfuckers»

36 +1 Shake361 1 year ago

«To the idiots who claim this guy is Christian first of all Christians don't say takbeer and Allah Akbar u dumb ????. Most likely this piece of shit will get off doing few years in prison.»

0 +1 al_221 12 months ago

«@Shake361 Hes yelling "in the name of jesus christ" and his name was "Abdul-Messiah" (worshipper of the Messiah aka Jesus)»

-58 +1 youlldiesoon 1 year ago

«mfs down voting when he is a Christian but anything with Muslim is upvoted HAH FUCKING RETARDS CANT ACCEPT THAT CHRISTIANITY IS WORSE THAN ISLAM.»

55 +1 FreeAccount8008 1 year ago

«I hope this disgusting terrorist is tortured slowly to death in prison.»

-39 +1 Do-Not-Lie 1 year ago

«He was Christian.

-40 +1 Malahk 1 year ago

«Such a good christian:angel:»