«That should be done to all lane splitters, damn assholes !!!»
Man about to Whack Someone gets Instant Motor Karma
«I wanted to see the next bit, you know, where the biker smashes that pricks face into the ground»
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«They are both idiots and deserve each other. The guy filming is going 60 mph (98kmh) in that moderate to heavy traffic. The taxi tried to switch lanes (no blinker) to pass a car in the slow lane. The bike guy speed up and honked...thus blocking him from passing. Then proceeds to flip the taxi guy off. The bike tries to make out like he's innocent and the taxi guy is the idiot, but in reality they both are idiots.»
«I like the double-karma. Lanesplitters are fags and this was beautiful to see both the driver and biker getting fucked.»