«Plans for the dinner and movie just got changed. He's off to the strip club .»
Unhinged Boyfriend Pulls Gun on Girlfriend During Dispute.
Duration: 1:17 Views: 159K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
Little context was given about this disturbing video of a man putting a gun to a woman's head who is supposedly his girlfriend and threatening several people in the group.
The man assaults his girlfriend and another female in the video.
The man assaults his girlfriend and another female in the video.
Categories: Fights, Brawls & Protests
cyberfuck556 1 year ago
«camera man is a pussy. i love how only when the guy with gun gets far away then he decides to say "fuck you motherfucker" and then when he comes back and get close to him he gets scared and says "oh for fucks sake"»
Parkins 1 year ago
«hes such a good, quiet boy who only wanted to go to college and become a doctor.»
Damien-Holland 1 year ago
«Taunting someone with a gun who is having a temper tantrum is not the best idea. Just quietly film and send the info to the police.»