«1000% Filipino behavior»
Porn Star wearing Crucifix answers some Hard Questions
«She's a cum dumpster who shoves eggplants up her ass for her OF page and take baseball bats up her cooter from a truck load of guys in porn. Is she a "STAR"? Hardly. She's a WHORE.»
«Love these guys passing judgement on these bimbos but I bet they all fuck little boys.»
«Who cares if she wears a cross and does porn! There not looking at the cross when watching, and if your offended, then your the bad hypocrite christian watching! Most evangelis priest are fucked up horny weird fuckers anyway, and there daughters turnout to be sex craved whores which i like!»
«it's true if your god is all loving, you can do as you please. otherwise you worship the devil»
«Par for the course. 95% of the churches around here are completely subverted by Satan and proudly display the LGBTRSTWQ+ flags.»
«This world is doomed. I am ashamed and embarrassed to call myself an American. What happened to our morality and our honor? What happened to our self respect and pride in ourselves? Why is everyone nowadays so damn stupid? Is this a part of the Mandela Effect that no one has been made aware of? Please someone say something of value before I loose all hope. Is this going to be the end of our once mighty nation? I truly believe so.»
«I wear the cross in case I have to full spectrum rainbow 6 "Exorcist" on sumbuddy.»
«It’s like when people wear T shirts of bands, but couldn’t name you any of the songs.
She’s no worse than any of the other Christian’s who’ve never read the bible but go around insisting they’re loved and have a ticket in heaven.
Why would you believe what crazy Arab people in the Middle East said thousands of years ago. It’s bizarre.»