«Lol he deserved it»
Cockfighting Karma: Roosters Attack Man instead of Each Other Hahahaha
«I love to see animal abusers suffer! If you hurt animals, you are a WEAK COWARD AND A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.»
«If you aren't vegan, this is what you do to animals. And that karma is what you deserve.»
«HAHAHAHAHA!!! My only question is why did they stop the fight? The other guy’s cock knew what to do? Why punish it?»
«I hope he bleeds to death- cuzz that's the kind of woman I am»
«That wasn't a cock fight.
That was a "cock and dick " fight!
Cockfighters are dicks......»
«That bird did an insane amount of damage in less than half a second. Impressive.»