Gym Teacher Arrested for Sex with Student is REARRESTED with More Allegations.. DAMN!

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 1:49 Views: 164K Submitted: 7 months ago Submitted by:
A married PE teacher who allegedly sexually abused a male student has been slapped with six fresh charges relating to another teenage boy.

Tayla Brailey, 30, was arrested last week after allegedly assaulting a 17-year-old boy she taught at Lurnea High School, in Sydney's south west, multiple times throughout July.

She was charged with three charges - sexual touching, sexual intercourse with a person under care, and aggravated sexual assault - and faced Liverpool Local Court last week, where she was granted bail.

Now, police have charged Brailey with new alleged offences in relation to a second student, including having sexual intercourse with a teen under her care, and sexually touching a teen under her care.

The fresh charges also include inciting a teen under her care to sexually touch her, and soliciting, accessing and possessing or controlling child abuse material.

The second alleged victim is aged between 16 and 17 years old.

'About 7am this morning, detectives attended a house in Mangerton and arrested a 30-year-old woman,' NSW Police said in a statement on Friday.

'She was taken to Wollongong Police Station and charged with six additional charges.'
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
0 +1 Kunter-X 4 months ago

What the fvck does that even mean?
If that's the case I'll be her "Custodian" and she can be in custody at my place.
For Sure, the fvck.

4 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«Not trying to pass the blame. But only need to look at most comments to know why these women think they are entitled to do this. Also when its a male teacher doing the same thing he is labelled a pedo. Yet usually when its a female people ask why did she not just go to the pub to pick up men if she wanted sex. They actually forget that these women are attracted to minors. It's like asking why some man looks for underage videos on the dark net instead of just visiting pornhub.»

0 +1 LordTorquemada 6 months ago

«I could eat that»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@LordTorquemada She would only let you do that before your balls dropped»

1 +1 LordTorquemada 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen then I'll stuff em back up.»

5 +1 MickyV 6 months ago

«The real crime is the student(s) that told on her.»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@MickyV So if some pervy male teacher was banging your underage sister you would high five him?»

1 +1 HCPAP 6 months ago

«17!????? Damn she should get some kind of Teacher of the Year award!»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@HCPAP For what? Being attracted to minors?»

4 +1 RJTheHorrorFan 6 months ago

«Damn, she got a nice rack in some of those photos!»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@RJTheHorrorFan Did albert fish have a big dick?»

11 +1 LouSaneous 6 months ago

«How stupid is the 17yr/old for complaining?»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@LouSaneous Yep Epst'ein and still wondering the same thing»

2 +1 madmonkeh 6 months ago

«miss can you please help me get an A in rape studies?»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@madmonkeh You know she would dump you the moment you got hair on your chest»

8 +1 Chuck Norrit 7 months ago

«I fucked the lady that ran the school's sandwich shop when I was almost 18. She was 26 if I recall correctly and hot and pretty. Damn, that is still one of my best childhood memories. The tits she had...»

3 +1 RJTheHorrorFan 6 months ago

«@Chucknorrit "The tits she had..." a jar or something...?»

3 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Chucknorrit I let a mechanic bang me when I was 15 to get my mothers car repaired for free after I crashed it while drunk, but I told him I was 18, so I give him a pass for that»

9 +1 Jpeterr85 7 months ago

«Lucky kid»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Jpeterr85 She has manly shoulders. No boobs. No waist. No hips or ass. A manly face. No wonder americans are screwed if you think she is attractive. I would say unlucky kid. He probably realised what he lost his innocence to after he sobered up and was not happy.»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen I suppose though in USA you would call that an hourglass figure lol»

2 +1 Gutshot 7 months ago

«Supported Palestinian terrorists …..»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Gutshot They are freedom fighters. Real terrorists are the ones who murdered thousands of kids and even sacrifice their hostages so their settlers can get a bit more ez land. Your politicians are owned by zionist bankers and you donate billions in taxes each month to give them a decadent life. Mugs.»

21 +1 DonChampignon 7 months ago

«It’s not rape if it’s a woman doing it and it’s definitely not rape if she’s hot. Just let her go so more kids can get lucky. This is such horse pussy :getlost:»

4 +1 AthelwulfOfNordHymbraLand 6 months ago

«@DonChampignon You're one sick puppy.»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@AthelwulfOfNordHymbraLand To be fair. Her victim was 17. In Europe the age of consent is 16 unless your a cop or a teacher mostly where its 18. Though in some countries its 14 or younger. But in general its hypocritical that when someone catfishes some nonce by pretending to be underage girl online, to give them a beating when they are supposed to meet up in a supermarket for sex. They get called pedo hunters. If a woman catfished another woman by pretending to be an underage boy and beat her in a supermarket, everyone would think she was just crazy.»

3 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@DonChampignon If americans think she is hot, then its no wonder your obsessed with trannies. Her face looks like a mans. She has shoulders like a lineback. Her waist is does not exist. Her boobs are flat. She has no thighs. What exactly is attractive about her? If it sounds like a duck and looks like a duck. Its probably a duck. If I lived in US I suppose I'd be a supermodel there considering your standards there.»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen While kim kardashian is all fake and I'm natural, she is probably the only american I can think of that has a feminine form. All others are either obese with beer bellies men who spend all day in the pub drinking beer don't even have. Or they are skinny like taylor trash with no curves at all and built like a ruler.»

14 +1 Hackintosh 7 months ago

«So what. 17 is anchient»

2 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Hackintosh Not in a place where you have to wait till 21 to even drink lol»

28 +1 NoWayInHell 7 months ago

«So what, the boy was 17, not 7. :angel:»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@NoWayInHell Epste'in and Wint'stein said the same thing and still went to jail»

29 +1 W1zard0f0h 7 months ago

«17 is hardly a kid these days.»

1 +1 AthelwulfOfNordHymbraLand 6 months ago

«@W1zard0f0h It's still degenerate. Fuck these predator whoresluts, and fuck you apologising for them.»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@W1zard0f0h I let a mechanic do me for a free repair on my mothers car after I crashed it when I was 15. But I lied to him telling him I was 18. The difference was though that he actually believed I was 18 otherwise he would have refused I think. While this woman knew the kid was underage and decided to go ahead and do it anyway. It's like trying to argue its ok to steal a rolex from some idiot walking around in a rough area because someone else would eventually rob him anyway. Besides I can see why the kid reported her. She does not have an hourglass figure and her face looks slack.»

23 +1 fordmadion 7 months ago

«That poor kid must be so effected emotionally,not,he will be boasting about this for year's,lucky prick,my teachers dressed in tan cardigans and plad dresses.»

9 +1 Pablocoo 7 months ago

«@fordmadion A crime without a victim»

0 +1 RJTheHorrorFan 6 months ago

«@fordmadion And were men....»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@fordmadion What is there to boast about. She has a body like a tranny and a face like vin diesel»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen Honestly you americans are really funny with your standard of beauty. You think she is hot, yet you complain about those who actually have a feminine form and hourglass figure even if it is mostly plastic there.»

30 +1 Captain Pettibone 7 months ago

«Her husband is a certified cuck for not filing for divorce.»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Captain Pettibone I'm fairly sure if I did this, my husband would just file a missing person report and leave the country with our kid. He knows that if he really wants to sleep around all he needs to do is ask my permission and I'd probably grant it so long as it was not a long term love interest and she did not look like a dog like this woman. But we agreed that if either of us go behind each others back in something like this, we have consent to kill each other.»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen Call it mutually assured self destruction. Besides what is the point of being in a relationship if there is no trust. If one of us gets the hots for someone else, then be open about it and try to work at replacing what's missing. Not to betray and lie.»

30 +1 Fuck Face 7 months ago

«If that' was a male teacher. He would be a pedophile, creep, weirdo, thar should be sent to prison forever.»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Fuck Face I agree it's double standards. Probably it pisses me off when women get a pass at this kind of thing because I am one myself. As much as I hate incels, years of militant feminazi bs has caused a situation where on the one hand men think its fine to knock a drunk girl unconcious just because she pushed them, while on the other hand they excuse slappers who are too ugly to get men like this bitch and have to do it with teens to feel sexy.»

8 +1 Pablocoo 7 months ago

«If it is not acceptable for criminals to profit from crime, then why is it acceptable for television 'news' to profit from crime?»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Pablocoo Criminals profit from crime all the time. The real criminals are not robbing armored trucks or stealing a crate of beer from walmart. They are sitting on superyachts checking their balance and deciding the agenda to divide and conquer, while never having paid any tax or done anything for their country.»

13 +1 mxtr3m3r 7 months ago

«Boy is lucky but when a 30 yo man has seks with a teenage girl who finds him attractive she is a victim? Hard to understand that hormonal teenage girls also want seks when most men are unwanted incels»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@mxtr3m3r When I was at school I had the hots for one of my teachers. He was former special forces and I tried really hard to attract him. At the time I was annoyed that he just brushed me off like some stupid girl. But being a lot older now, I actually respect that he rejected me. He had a wife and family and as beautiful as I was back then, he knew it was just a crush and was not attracted to me because of my age. If it had been different and something happened. Id not play the victim as I led him on, but I would not respect him either as being double my age someone should know better.

While this woman is not exactly a predator. She is just trash with a low self esteem and anyone who finds her attractive must live in a trailer park. She is just basically trash herself. If she was serious about that boy, she would have left her husband and ran off with him to another country. Instead she just used him for sex.

24 +1 Mark_ey 7 months ago

«Lets be honest if you were 17 you would wanna hit that too»

4 +1 NoWayInHell 7 months ago

«@Mark_ey In a heartbeat.»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Mark_ey No wonder Kim Kardashian became as celebrity in ole US of A as she is the only american I can think of that actually has a feminine figure, despite being plastic, if these are really your standards there. I mean I'm not perfect myself, but I have a much nicer face and body than this trollop. Used to get paid a lot by men just to have a meal with them in an expensive restaurant and sometimes for something after. I can't see this woman attracting anything other than some neckbeard who thinks anything that is not bloated like his mother who struggles climbing the stairs is a hot milf.»

12 +1 LordTorquemada 7 months ago

«Dayum I'd punish her all night!»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@LordTorquemada Low american standards»

0 +1 LordTorquemada 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen did u miss the hot bus?»

18 +1 Numiah 7 months ago

«She's too fat for my likings. But.... as a 17yr old student I would have fucked her brains out and kept it our little secret!»

2 +1 Demon4673 7 months ago

«@Numiah she’s not fat at all you are just gay or retarded or both»

1 +1 Numiah 7 months ago

«@Demon4673 You need glasses. Blind twat.»

1 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@Numiah She is not fat, she just has a mans body and face. Then again most zoomers think an hourglass figure is not natural and only wearing corsets achieve it. Look she has shoulders wider than most weebos. No boobs. A waist wider than most alcoholic middle aged men. No hips thighs or ass. It's like her curves are all in the wrong places. Plus she has a bingo card face.

No wonder all you yanks are so paranoid about trannies if you think a woman that looks like one is hot. In the UK not even the most desperate would look at her twice and british women are not exactly top notch either. You all were saying how plastic the chavette was in the pink dress who got beaten up by some dyke blonde that was taller than the men. Yet the girl in pink dress looked hundred times better than this tranny lookalike. The british blonde was also ugly as hell.

They must add something to the water in america for men there to find women who look like men attractive while denying natural hourglass figure exists and everyone who has one like me is plastic lol

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen I meant looks like this and not looks like one. Can't edit posts for some stupid reason»

16 +1 EatMyShortsYo 7 months ago

«An overweight gym teacher, with a cuck for a husband. He probably watched her getting pile-driven into the mattress with half dozen dudes while standing on a chair punching the clown.»

4 +1 Numiah 7 months ago

«@EatMyShortsYo lol @ punching the clown hehe»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@EatMyShortsYo I agree about the husband. If I cheated like this my husband has permission to kill me and if he cheats its likewise. But seriously she is not actually fat. Just her fat is in all the wrong places. Her face is ugly though. But the main problem is, she has broad shoulders, no boobs, a wide manly waist, no ass or hips. Like god decided she should have the same body as a boomer who spends his days drinking fine ale in a 17th century pub in cornwall from sunrise to sunset.»

0 +1 WitchQueen 6 months ago

«@WitchQueen I do feel better about myself though after reading a lot of the comments here. I mean I'm older than her but americans think she is hot, then im in the wrong country. Then again I'm not sure they actually appreaciate what a woman looks like and would probably think im plastic, just for having fat in the right places and lacking fat around the waist. I think its why they are so paranoid about trannies there. The women they find attractive like this slapper doing it with kids looks like a man but is hot according to them.»