SHOCK: It's Being Reported Shani Louk has Been Beheaded

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 1:18 Views: 391K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
Shani Louk, a German-Israeli citizen who was kidnapped by Hamas and paraded unconscious on the back of a truck, as seen in footage of the Oct. 7 massacre, was discovered dead and beheaded, according to Israeli government officials.

Israel’s government said in a post to the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday morning, that it had identified the body of Louk.

"We are devastated to share that the body of 23-year-old German-Israeli Shani Luk was found and identified," the post read. "Shani, who was kidnapped from a music festival and tortured and paraded around Gaza by Hamas terrorists, experienced unfathomable horrors. Our hearts are broken. May her memory be a blessing."
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 wwbmn 2 weeks ago

«It's been reported that your mama's a whore. So what? Anyone can report anything they want.»

6 +1 tathgar12345 3 months ago

«islam is demonical cult not religion they became good when they in miniority when they are in power they show their real colur non muslim countries wake up ban islam and send muslim out»

9 +1 ELSHABAH 4 months ago

«Israelis are the bravest people in the world. Surrounded on all sides by fanatic Muslims who will do anything to kill them. And yet, they still stand and have never backed down. Fuck Palestine, fuck Islam and its pedo profit.»

1 +1 wwbmn 2 weeks ago

«@ELSHABAH And who's fucking fault is that? Maybe they shouldn't have home-invaded "enemy territory". Fucking thieves and hasbara propagandists.»

0 +1 wwbmn 2 weeks ago

«@ELSHABAH You think Moses or Abraham were any better? lmfao, they're not even real, and even if they were, they were MONSTERS. Numbers 31:18.»

2 +1 Letmeinmojo 7 months ago

«Too much fake news by MSM. She wasn't beheaded

Isaac Herzog, President of Israel, told the German tabloid Bild that Louk had been "decapitated";[75] his spokesperson corrected this, saying that "the fact that a significant part of her skull was found triggered fears that she had been decapitated."[76][77][78] Despite the correction, the false information spread on social media and was repeated in several German politicians' statements.

4 +1 M1984FA 8 months ago

«Hamas (the militant arm of the Muslim Brotherhood) is actually outlawed in moderate muslim countries. The pro-Hamas cacklers in the comment section seem unaware of that.»

0 +1 ELSHABAH 4 months ago

«@M1984FA There’s a reason Arab governments do not help Palestinians and Hamas. When they extended a helping hand, Palestinians wasted no time in biting it by spreading their militant and violent brand of Islam.»

18 +1 Salinan 11 months ago

«These Israelis are no better than Nazi's»

2 +1 nmhulk 5 months ago

«@Salinan fuck yiu idiot cunt, nuke Palestine and the scum that plagues it.»

1 +1 MiddayEnglishman 1 year ago

«After experiencing the Nazi UK and thus now finding out religion is illegal in Russia. I think Communism is the only way forward.»

37 +1 LouSaneous 1 year ago

«Fuck Palestine! Capture it and seize it forever. They deserve nothing,»

38 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«My prediction is that Isreal are going to wipe Palestine off the face of the map, just like they deserve.

Iran will be next

The world is waking up to what this lot our like. There will be expulsions from a lot of countries soon if not civil war. The only problem is this lot our cowards, and cannot fight like men, Across the world they have shown how retarded they are, and how much hated they have.

The muslim countries are showing how ignorant they are. No protests against turkey taking land from Cyprus, They are all either ignorant, full of hate against Jews and are the real racists, or just pigs

2 +1 Samat 1 year ago

«@dingbell1999 Is Israel that strong? Israel's American father never wanted a world war to break out, because America would be the first country to be wiped out, followed by the genocidal child Israel, Iran and its allies would wipe out everything. chief. Fascist Jews! Believe it!»

22 +1 Isrlterrst 1 year ago

«Remember israel murdered rachel corry same age girl who was peacely demonstrating and not a jewish slut in slutty clothey dancing with jewish genocide nazis.

When you hang up with nazis, you shoul expect that something will happen!

14 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@Isrlterrst you fuckng backwards uneducated twat, you must be one of dimwit muslims. You calling a Jew a muslim proves how fucking retorted your parents were to make an ignorant twat like you. your lot have started something thats going to wipe the lot of you out. Your getting genocided because you picked on the wrong fuckig country. you fuckers cant fight to save your life, and now your going to be wiped out. There's alot of people gunning for you terrorist cowards, Its fucking great.»

16 +1 Lasse_Karagiannis 1 year ago

«They portray this German-Israeli woman soldier as a civilian. She was a German Jew who "returned" to kill non-Jews. In fact, all these "young people" on the rave party were soldiers on leave.»

6 +1 qwiqqelee 1 year ago

«@Lasse_Karagiannis No she objected from military service.»

38 +1 RosesOfDarkness 1 year ago

«One less cum dumpster»

11 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@RosesOfDarkness ha 10000 of your kids less!! Go Israel»

38 +1 Lilbutterfly 1 year ago

«So sad what the hamas animals did to this poor girl. She suffered a horrible death, n probably raped before too, as they raped some girls to death, n kidnapped dozens of young girls.
The video of her being paraded half naked on that truck shocked the world. I hope the payback Israel is giving Gaza now is partly a tribute to Shani Louk, n all the other
innocent civilians that got raped, tortured, n murdered by those islamic serial killers. They even kidnapped children n lil babies as hostages after murdering their parents.
What kind of evil can do such a thing!

5 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@Lilbutterfly At keast the world can see what these animals are now, The religion of peace lol. The religion of cowards who cant fight. Look at them all in the dirty little rat caves.»

36 +1 BUCETILDES88 1 year ago

«fake news»

7 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@BUCETILDES88 hope this is sarcastic, or are you one of those inbreds from the Palestine's»

16 +1 Numiah 1 year ago

«I bet ya they sodomized the crap out of her before beheading her though. Nom Nom!»

58 +1 TrueObserver 1 year ago

«Her mom was pleading online for her safe return but where is the dad??? Single moms make the worst parents. No dad would have allowed her daughter to go overseas to some desert to dance half naked with random guys, likely doing drugs and sex with STIs like is Coachella CA»

1 +1 WolfMoonPeteSteele 1 year ago

«@TrueObserver sir you have my upvote!»

26 +1 TrueObserver 1 year ago

«If you are born ugly why would you make yourself uglier by putting on stiff headlocks, tattoos and piercings everywhoknowswhere???»

30 +1 TrueObserver 1 year ago

«What a promiscuous woman she didn’t have a brain to begin with so lose her head is inconsequential. Only a brainless individual would go to the border to incite a group of people who hate women. I bet that this festival may have contributed to moving the attack date.»

4 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@TrueObserver you are one of the inbreds from the palestine ideology, lol You sound like your jealous and nobody would give a fuck if you were murdered, not even your inbred parent pigs»

70 +1 twelveandhorny 1 year ago

Fucking attentionewhore, and also a whore, dressed as a whore.
Girl thought she was gonna go out, show her body to every fucking guy, and then fuck some random dude.
Instead she got killed and beheaded, and i hope she also got raped and tortured.

34 +1 Lexxor 1 year ago

«@twelveandhorny You sound like the sort of loser that couldn't get your dick licked if you dipped it in beef gravy and walked through the dog pound.»

32 +1 bluwahffle 1 year ago


19 +1 SeeIFapToWeirdShyt 1 year ago

«Israel hebrew bullshit! she was beheaded after dead? For what? Then what? So what? Where's the proof? She died a jew, I hope these arabs bandits at least had enjoyed all of her holes even the bullets ones, I imagine what the nazis did to these jewish ladies, these eastern battalions were cruel as fuck I mean I'd probably be too»

6 +1 Lexxor 1 year ago

«@SeeIFapToWeirdShyt Yawn ???? If you say so kid.»

2 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@SeeIFapToWeirdShyt Israel are more superior to any muslim. You fucking morons have picked on the wrong country and are now crying because you want theme to stop. you dirty coward racist fucks»

14 +1 User38648 1 year ago


64 +1 Mark_ey 1 year ago

«Israel is a bullshit country should never have existed»

3 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@Mark_ey Palestine is not a country you fucking moron. Nobody wants them.. Israel will take out all of Arabs fried, and you fuckwits have woken up a lot of people that's itching to help them. The land was the Jews. do some research you fucking moron.»

62 +1 Jamezz 1 year ago


42 +1 TikiCakea20 1 year ago

«Who cares?»

29 +1 munwon 1 year ago

«Watch her show up in a few months posting on Instagram.»

57 +1 Sbarllush 1 year ago

«noone gives a shit about!! who the fuck is Shani Louk??? another slut....fuck off israel a nuke them!!»

51 +1 slugzy 1 year ago

«Where's the decapitation pic? just Israeli spin...»

3 +1 smdbih 1 year ago


59 +1 FucYew 1 year ago

«And how many children has Israel killed in the bombings so far.»

16 +1 Johadrim 1 year ago

«@FucYew Hamas can declare an unconditional surrender and lay down their weapons. That would stop the bloodshed instantly.»

14 +1 BigDnasty 1 year ago

«@FucYew obviously not enough????»

8 +1 liebowitz 1 year ago


The Holocaust con men have a god-given right to kill and claim that they are only defending themselves. Israel is a rogue colony that needs to be dismantled.

1 +1 HelloMonkeyyy 1 year ago

«@liebowitz jihadi»

3 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@liebowitz Ha big words from another coward. Palestine are getting obliterated and everyone is loving it. Israel is supreme over any Arab nation. They are all crying like the cowards they are that they want it to stop. You've awoken something now, and your going to be fucked up.»

11 +1 liebowitz 1 year ago

The Israelis will tell you most of the 7000 murdered were Hamas. they have no integrity. Who can trust them?

2 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@liebowitz They are all the same, You believe the coward terrorist rats. you inbread braindead moron»

2 +1 dingbell1999 1 year ago

«@FucYew not enough, they are all rats»

37 +1 bordokk 1 year ago

«Good riddance»