«Breeders and nothing more.»
Spring Breakers show the quality of US education.
«That's why idiots like Trump can get into the institutions. The road to disaster.»
«You don't get it - in America being dumb is considered desirable and cool. Many people who are actually smart will even pretend to be dumb.»
«jewish girls are dumber than those. Except they will still get a job hired by other jews »
«The girls will be fine. Once they realize that they have that little, warm, tight, moist moneymaker between entrepreneurial thighs there are millions of corners to stand on and peddle their pussies and even more millions of horny married men. As for the dopey males in this vid..well the local public toilets and a good set of sturdy kneepads should help you on your way. Remember kiddies: study hard!»
«You don't have to be too smart to make sandwiches, suck dick and clean up a little...»
«these women ought to be stoned for going out in public dressed like this.»
«this is pornography. these people are going to hell. the questioner is going to hell too.. because she is a member of a false religion.. catholicism.»
«The teachers were too busy preaching liberal ideologies instead of basic geography. These kids will all stand for Palestine.......but have no idea where it's at on a map.»
«Well the Federal Education Dept is not at all repsonsible much other than loans , scholarships and procedural stuff. THAT will continue. Also some curriculum stuff and generally organising administrative stuf. Has NO influence really .
Some dirtyarse administraotr built a Department that was bigger than its fundamental reason.
It's called building an empire
Empire Building.
Very common around the western world and probably in China and Russia as well.
You think Trump is NOT going to deal it out to Putin in a year or so?
Don't know myself but if he is treating the institutions in USA like this then I 'd be expecting he's gonna kicjk the shit out fo Putin. Particularly as he - Putin - is being so obstreperous..
He's also a cunt which is another reason Trump will belt him.»
«surprised the black people didnt know who was on the100 dollar bill. gotta be staged. »
«This is happening all over the world now, dumbing down the education systems
Every year we are lowering the standards because people are so dumb that they can't do same shit students did 20 years ago.
Makes you think why is that.
Are we truly happy to have just bread and circuses meanwhile politicians are robbing us blind and then putting the blame on others. »
«So, exercising your personal liberties to become a magatard surrender monkey means the education department is somehow deficient does it?»
«It's a very common style of stupid to see a thumbnail like this and hit play.
I'm literally starting to believe that it should be illegal to put a microphone in front of any bitch's face. It's fucking stupid 101% of the time.»
«Trump want to make usa great with this highly intelligent personality dumb youth. It became trash soon»
«These are the people that want your tax dollars to pay for them to not learn a god damn thing and party»
«All i see is good pussy bitches. Girls only non of that faggot liberal bullshit.»
«Any dispute as to why Trump closed down the Dept. of Education is pretty much settled now.»
«Limiting objective thought makes for controllable citizens. If they don't have an ap for that they are screwed.»
«NOT surprised one bit! Thanks to the (soon to be eliminated) Department of Education, the teachers unions & liberal DEMONcrat politicians,
these kids DO NOT understand the history of the United States, BUT! They can tell you there are 3,405 genders, among other rubbish.
It's all by design. Dumb them down makes them easier to control!»