«Pussy ass kid. Hope he died»
TikTok Prankster Gets some FAFO Justice from RedNeck Husband of Woman He Tried to Prank
«Those type of stallion men are going extinct and replaced by skinny girly boys.»
«So in addition to promoting rightwing conspiracy bullshit you also can't bear to tell the truth about what happened here. Doesn't get enough clicks for you? https://www.yahoo.com/news/pizza-delivery-driver-choked-road-195202835.html»
«I couldn’t get any satisfaction from knocking out a small person. Like the Yautja.»
«People who honk their fuckin' annoying horns are really pathetic. When has that ever stopped a fight? Get out and say what you need, instead of sitting in the 'protection' of the car. It is a study of human behavior, they feel helpless, really pathetic. P*ssies»
«Hahahaha about time! Fuck those stupid STUPID fucking retards looking for attention »
«pranksters are absolute cunts.
I'll love to shoot one in the face, by mistake, just a reflex.»
«Hope we see more of this happen to the dumb ass YouTube pranksters»
«The title is hella wrong. The obese guy in the broke back mountain hat follwed the pizza delivery guy to his work after getting mad over a road rage thing.
Google Dustin Alexander McDowell for the real story, The info was put out before but I think all the comments got deleted »
«Was that Bigfoot? The libtard looked like a toddler in his arms. Either way, well deserved.»
«The guy was a pizza delivery for Marco's, happened a year ago or so. Victim ended in ICU with brain bleed. This started from road rage incident.»
«Hahahaaa!! Difficult to prank people when he's drinking through a straw!»