«So fucked up. That cop is a piece of shit. That poor lil girl is going to be scarred for life! If that little girl wouldve bit or punched the cop, I bet he would've punched that child, because he's a piece of shit wife beater»
Pestering 'Sovereign Citizen' Quickly Finds Out.....
Andrew and Aaliyah Mencin, of Troy, posted police body cam footage of the incident over the weekend on TikTok and YouTube, drawing thousands of comments. The couple say they were abused in front of their children, and now want the police officer fired, and the department investigated for wrongdoing.
The video shows an officer hit Andy Mencin with a Taser at least three times. Aaliyah Mencin can be seen being pulled from the car and hitting her head on the ground, causing her to be knocked unconscious.
Troy police issued a statement this week, describing the couple as combative and resisting arrest. But it added that the July 11 incident was "disheartening" and preventable. The department is reviewing its policies "to ensure they align with best practices in de-escalation and community-oriented policing."
Police officials did not say what, if anything, the officer did that night to de-escalate the situation.
"We want to assure the public that we take this matter seriously and are fully cooperating with the Lincoln County Prosecutor's Office through the course of this investigation and prosecution," the department said.
Troy Police Chief Jeff Taylor did not return phone or email messages seeking comment Wednesday. In the statement on Facebook Tuesday, the police department said Officer Todd Plumb tried to pull the couple over, but the couple drove another sixth-tenth of a mile before stopping on a dead-end road and being combative.
Lincoln County Prosecutor Michael Wood told the Post-Dispatch that his office is also reviewing the police actions that night.
"We are looking into it still further," Wood said Wednesday. "We will take seriously any issues of criminal behavior on the part of law enforcement."
Andy Mencin, 33, works as an auto mechanic. He said in an interview that he has high-functioning autism, ADHD and epilepsy. He said he was driving his wife's Audi that night with a license plate he calls a Z plate. They bought it for $25 on the internet. It features an eagle, a sideways flag and the words "Private automobile not for hire."
He said they drove with it for three months and had never been stopped by police. Andy Mencin said he didn't get a regular license plate because he didn't have money for insurance. He insists the state should recognize the plate.
"It falls under 'truth in lending,'" Andy Mencin said.
The Post-Dispatch sent a copy of the plate to the Missouri Department of Revenue on Wednesday, and a spokesperson for that office said it is not a valid plate.
Wood's office charged Mencin with felony property damage for allegedly damaging the inside of a police car. He is also charged with two misdemeanors: resisting arrest and fourth-degree assault. He was not charged with speeding or any license plate violation.
Wood's office initially charged the wife, 29, with resisting arrest but dropped those charges.
«Tyrants. It's not illegal to sit in the drivers seat instead of the passenger seat»
«Where did TRUMP show up in all this vid ? ....erm NOWHERE ! - You fkn retards who have to call TRUMP on this kinda behaviour are absolutely DEMENTED ! You can hate him all you want - it won't stop him SHIPPING YOU ALL BACK THE FUCK WHERE YOU ESCAPED FROM !...NOW FKN DO ONE !»
«Typical fucking Americans. Think they are above the law and privileged. This is typical behavior for those fucking McDonald's Neanderthals. »
«Some absolute ass kissing winners in these comments and so I will suggest, if you know how to read then do some research before you start calling other people names. If you are too stupid to learn, listen up: Americans were granted rights by God and are defined as inalienable which means that only God can take them away. These rights are defined in the Bill of Rights and are protected by the US Constitution and no one, not even the President has more authority. One of these rights are the freedom to travel without being molested to 'show papers' The Supreme Court agreed and stated that the only people requiring a driver license, license plate, registration or insurance are city and state workers and those such as trucks and taxi's involved in commerce but citizens in personal travel is not required. Sovereign citizen are simply educated to the facts.»
«"speeding and driving with fake plates" Enough said. this f*ckers deserved worse»
«These parents are so obviously Republican supporters.
Zero respect for the law, and no care for their children.
Maybe a 2-year jail sentence would give them some time
to reconsider their responsibilities as alleged adults and
«Cops are way too reactionary in small town America.. Excessive force, immediately putting hands on the guy without telling him why he's being forced out of his car»
«American cops are nothing but dirty filthy disgusting disgraceful pig .tin badge heroes. Sue the mother fuckers and not out of the public purse out of the pigs pockets .Dam Gestapo»
«All corporate state guards (policemen) should be executed along with the politician masters.»
«Thee cops clearly know them and have it out for them in their small hick town. Just a couple local tyrants makin up the law as they go along»
«It's amazing all those histrionics and tantrums didn't win the Vietnam war.»
«Maybe instead of changing how police act, lets focus on the people who don't follow the law.»