«LOL that bitch can't punch. See that white boy get straight up again. Muscle man gots no power LMFAO»
Big Man Ruins Halloween Party with a KO after Young Tik Tok Karen's Star Karening
What made little spandex bro think he had a chance against big bro?
«There is no talking to these people. They're too angry and too ignorant to understand logical thinking.»
«He's just acting his race it was the way he was raised all of them are like that»
«I doubt you've ever knocked someone out, or seen someone knocked out, but that was not a KO.»
«That was wrong. Big dude is going to lose his life someday for being a bully. Violence should be in self-defense but retaliation is warranted here.»
«Ya, big (FAT) POS... Let's argue, No, let's resort to violence right off the bat. THIS is why the BLUE shithole cities are over run with CRIME the 13% baby!!! Keepin it dirty...»
«The usual lack of self control. On the other hand I have no clue what the white fag uttered....»