Young Female Dismembered Into Pieces By Boyfriend

Posted on November 23,2024
Viewed: 41816
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Uploaded by: Gutsy
Rated 4.1
Peru - The dismembered and decomposed remains of 26-year-old Sheyla Cóndor were found in a suitcase in the bedroom of an apartment four days after she was reported missing. The apartment was owned by a police officer Darwin Condori Antezana against whom a preliminary arrest warrant was issued. At the time of the murder Darwin's whereabouts are unknown. On November 13th whilst attending a family funeral Sheyla received a phone call. She told relatives that she had to leave the funeral to attend to an urgent matter. After not hearing from her afterwards relatives accessed her WhatsApp chats which revealed she had agreed to meet at the apartment with Darwin. Security camera footage caught Sheyla and Darwin entering the condominium.Relatives later told police.


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